Earth Day is an annual event that attracts over a billion people worldwide. Since its inception in 1970, every year on April 22nd like-minded folk get together to celebrate the anniversary of the modern environmental movement and raise awareness about climate change. If you’re looking for worthwhile things to do for your own celebration, you’re in the right place. Read on to find out how you can make an impact this Earth Day and every day after.
Celebrate Earth Day on your own
Donate to charity

Choices, choices
Whether it’s planting trees, protecting wildlife, or promoting recycling – a quick Google search is all you need to find some amazing charities dedicated to helping the environment. Find one you’re passionate about and either opt for a one-time donation or set up a standing order so these worthy causes can depend on your continued aid.
If money’s a bit tight
Don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to support charities without loosening the purse strings. You could donate your time and volunteer, do a charity bake sale or marathon – even raising awareness on social media or through word of mouth is a great way to help!
Educate yourself on climate literacy

What is climate literacy?
Quite simply, it’s information deemed important by experts for everyone to know and understand about Earth and the impacts of climate change. Educating yourself and passing on that knowledge to others is a great way to provide yourself with the tools necessary to adapt your lifestyle and discourage any climate misinformation you hear or see online.
Where to start
There are plenty of ways to get stuck in, from reading books to watching documentaries. You could even take an online class, but to start you off, check out our previous blogs on the importance of recycling and how to reduce your carbon footprint.
Make a plan to live more sustainably

Why is it necessary?
Earth Day is a great time to take a step back and think about what you can do to live a greener life and plan accordingly. After swatting up on your climate literacy, you should have the means to do so. There are plenty of small steps you can take that shouldn’t require too much adjustment, so check out our tips below to see what works for you.
Eat more plant-based meals
The meat industry accounts for about 14.5% of man-made greenhouse gases, with the ratio of animals for slaughter to wildlife being 15-to-1. Experts say plant-based food production impacts the climate about 10-50 times less which is why opting for a few vegan meals a week is a great way to help the planet and should do wonders for your overall health too!
Fight fast fashion
The hosts of ethical concerns surrounding the fast fashion industry could fill a whole other blog. Frankly, it’s a dirty business, and due to cheap material and lightning-fast trends, we’re throwing away more than 300,000 tonnes of clothing every year in the UK. Buying second-hand from charity and vintage shops, online stores like Depop and Ebay, or even hosting a clothing swap with friends is not only a great way to save money but the best way to show the fashion industry that enough is enough.
Sell or recycle unwanted items
A lot of us are guilty of accumulating a lot of stuff. Seriously, how many can say they still have their phone from fifteen years ago forgotten in a drawer somewhere? The good news is that a lot of your old items don’t need to end up in the bin. Sure, you could try selling them or giving stuff away – but old tech especially may come across as a bit of a hurdle. Here at Zapper we accept books, discs, Lego, phones and tech. No matter their condition, we’ll make sure they’re recycled and reused so you have a guilt-free way to declutter and get paid while you’re at it!
Celebrate Earth Day with the community
Take part in a clean-up

What’s a clean-up?
Exactly what it sounds like – from litter-picking around the streets near your home to removing harmful plastics and fishing gear from coastlines, taking part in a clean-up for Earth Day is a great way to tackle out-of-control waste and meet like-minded people.
Find an event near you
Local groups and Earth Day’s official website have resources to help you find a clean-up in your area. Getting your friends and family on board is also a good idea – the more of you doing it, the more awareness it raises.
Organise your own
If there’s not an event near you or there’s an area you’ve noticed is in dire need of a tidy, you could kickstart or develop your event-planning skills and organise your own. You should start by making a detailed plan, recruiting volunteers early and requesting supply donations. It’ll be a lot of work so be sure to do plenty of research, but the results will be well worth it!
Become a citizen scientist

What is citizen science?
Citizen science uses the collective contributions of volunteers to solve environmental issues. No, we’re not expecting you to go and get your PhD; becoming a citizen scientist is all about making discoveries and exploring nature at your own pace (lab coat optional).
Incentivise your interests, or find a new one
Did you know hobbies like bird watching and rock collecting are vital to the citizen science movement? By sharing your findings with others, it provides valuable data necessary in monitoring the UK’s biodiversity and environment.
Join an app dedicated to citizen science
There are plenty of communities available to you from the convenience of your smartphone. Many offer projects spanning a variety of fields, from studying honeybees to testing air quality – whatever your interests, you’re guaranteed a match.
Celebrate Earth Day with Zapper
One of the best things you can do for planet Earth is reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfill. At Zapper, we’re proud to say we don’t turn anything away that’s not in a re-sellable condition. Instead, we’ll make sure your items are recycled so landfills have a chance to get smaller. Reject throw-away culture – whatever you’ve got, make sure to trade it with us by downloading the app or visiting our homepage for more details. Happy Earth Day from Zapper!