The Best Gadgets at CES 2018

Every year at the Consumer Electronics Show, or CES for short, the world’s largest tech giants showcase the latest gadgets they are working. As you can imagine, the biggest gadget show on the planet is never short of excitement.

The exhibition is always significant as we get to see the kind of gadgets that will play a role in our near-future. From a modular TV screen to an underwater drone, here are some of Zapper’s favourite gadgets from the annual Las Vegas tech gathering.


The Philips Smartsleep Headset

One of the exhibition’s standout gadgets was the Philips SmartSleep, a wearable sleep technology that improves the quality of people’s sleep. How does it work? Well, the headset produces sound tones that enhance the ‘slow waves’ your brain creates during deep sleep. By monitoring your brain’s activity, the headset is able to maximise the benefits of deep sleeping. The concept is particularly attractive due to the time-pressured, career-focused lives many 21st Century adults now live. Perhaps the most desirable aspect of the product is the way it has been clinically proven to make people feel more rested, focused, and energised from the same amount of sleep. Head to the Philips website to find out more about the Philips SmartSleep.

‘The Wall’ TV by Samsung

Samsung unveiling a TV might seem all too familiar to you. However, The Wall is no regular TV. At a whopping 146-inches, the TV can get even larger by attaching to other units. That’s right, The Wall is a modular TV! As well as this cool feature, the screen itself is MicroLED capable of staggering levels of contrast and dynamic display. Where does the name ‘The Wall’ come from? Well, it’s very large and when you get close to the TV its made up smaller panels, hence what makes it modular. I guess you could call the screen panels the ‘bricks’ of the wall. Either way, it’s fantastic innovation by Samsung.

The Powerdolphin

If 2017 was the year of the drone, 2018 may well be the year of the underwater drone. At CES 2018, Chinese innovators PowerVision announced an exciting new multi-purpose water device called the PowerDolphin, as pictured above. With speeds of up to 5m/s, a 4k camera, and a 2 hour battery life, it is one serious gadget. It’s purpose? Its dual-rotation camera can be used to capture images and videos above and below the water’s surface. So whether you want to capture some surfing action shots or a glimpse of the sea life below, the PowerDolphin acts as a sea-bound cameraman. As well as these GoPro-esque image-capturing features, the PowerDolphin is a great tool for fishing. You can attach bait containers, fishing hooks and lures to the remote-controlled device. Its functionality doesn’t stop there however, you can even use the PowerDolphin for rescue missions by attaching rescue rings and life vests. Finally, the clever gadget can automatically scan and draw the topography of the underwater landscapes.

‘My Special Aflac Duck’

This product is slightly different to most consumer products we see at exhibitions like CES. My Special Aflac Duck is a toy duck that aims to comfort children unfortunate to be coping with cancer. The duck is designed to be as lifelike as possible, with movements and reactions all finely tuned by Rhode Island creators Sproutel. The duck was developed in collaboration with the Aflac Cancer Center, hence the name. The best part of the concept is that Aflac aim to get a duck into the hands of every cancer-suffering child in the USA, at no cost at all to the family. Sproutel have other companion robots in the production also, such as Jerry the Bear which accompanies children with type 1 diabetes. It’s great to see modern technology being used for the greater good.

Zapper Loves Technology

As you can tell we have a passion for gadgets. Consumer technology innovation shows no signs of slowing down, as illustrated by the awesome gadgets we’ve just told you about. CES is one of the best showcases of innovation a tech geek can witness, so if you ever have the chance to go make sure you do. If you’re passionate about your tech and have a load of items now sitting unused, sell your electronics to Zapper.

Selling your gadgets and media to Zapper is a convenient way of reaping the benefits of decluttering whilst also earning some quick cash. It’s a no brainer.

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